Katharina = Gretel ?


When the weather was still warm and appropriate for spring, I took the chance to get out of town. In the morning we bought a ticket and hopped on a train. As soon as we left the tiny station next to nowhere we took a minute to smell the fresh and fragrant air. Only a few hundred meters into our journey I insisted on taking a break on this bench. It was directly at a little stream. The noise, as it was splashing over rocks was absolutely soothing. I unpacked the smoothie form my backpack and we just sat there listening for a while.

As we followed our little stream we walked through lush greenfields. The sun was beaming and so were we! Always staying next to our little friend the creek. We only met a handful of people on this part of our walk. A family on bikes and two or three people with dogs. It was all very peaceful.

As we continued our walk, we came upon this beautiful tree! It stands next to a verse, sweet little house. If the cabin like house was aus sweeter I hadn't been surprised if Hänsel and Gretel knocked on its front porch!

On and on we went. We kept looking for the next Landmark which was supposed to tell us to cross the creek and head into the forest. On the map we estimated it would be about one hour after the start of the hike. But we didn't see an old monastery. Which didn't bother me much. Mother nature did really show off. And I savored the songs of the birds, the warm sunshine and just life.

After two hours the monastery was still no where to be seen. So we checked with google maps:
That's when we realized that we were way off track. When I think about it, I am glad we didn't knock on that little hut's door. Maybe we are Hänsel and Gretel (even though we are not related) and there was a witch in the hut just waiting for us.
But no worries. We just took the next bridge and headed for the cool forest. We just had to cross a little hill. Or that's what we thought. In reality we did have some trouble finding our way. Many tracks just ended in dead ends.

Now I know we are not Hänsel and Getel. We made it out of the forest without the help.
Even though I was exhausted at the end. It took us five hours to find our way back to the station. Maybe some breadcrumbs would have been nice :D
No wonder I was tired. In Germany (maybe it's Bavarian, not sure) there is a saying: "Erst müd, dann blöd"
It means something like: First you are tired and then you'll become silly. And that really fitted my state of mind 😆

We enjoyed our adventure non the less. As soon as the weather remembers that it's spring and not winter any longer, do go out and find out where your feet carry you!


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