First Post Ever


Hi Everyone!

I'm Katharina! Some benchmark info about me: 
I'm in my mid twenties - born and raised in Germany. Currently I'm a student.

And I'm in love with life! With this blog I would like to cherish the beauty of day to day life. Every single day there is something amazing happening to each one of us. I want to write about the happiness of finding a great outfit or the pleasure of eating something home cooked - As often as possible about the thrill I get from exploring new places!

I bet you can already guess my hobbies:

For one adore a good meal. It would be a little strange to say my hobby is eating. So I'll say it is preparing the meals and enjoying them! I started cooking in my early teens. With my then best friend we met up once a week to try out and invent recipes. The baking started when I was at University and was writing a theses. I came home and wasn't happy with my performance of the day. So I created beautiful little cup cakes. At least one thing I managed that day 🍨 (Cannot believe there is no Cup Cake emoji)

I also love to shop! For me and my mum it was a real sport! I might not be the typical fashion blogger. And I don't intend to be. But I truly have a soft spot for clothes. Dress to Impress is absolutely my credo. But there is nothing better to show the world who you are. What is there not to love about feeling beautiful?!👗

There is one thing that makes even the rainiest of days absolutely exiting: A good story. Weather it is a great book or a wonderful movie. From time to time I like to flee my life and dive into the adventures of the fictional characters.

Last but not least: Travelling! As a student I don't have a lot of money but as often as possible I hop on a plane, bus or train to visit a different city, region or country! 

As happiness is only real when shared I thought maybe there are some out there who like to read about my experiences! And it seems I was right You are reading it right now :D

I intend to make my posts a little more colourful and lifelike with as many pictures as possible!

I hope you enjoy my posts


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